Héctor Villarino

I design & build web apps

About me

I'm a Web Developer passionate about tech and design systems. My strongest skills lie in Front End development, but I also love to create beautiful interfaces that are fun to use.

Recently, I have been working on expanding my knowledge in the fields of API design and Back End technologies. I believe it's important to understand the full process of creating a web-based application to achieve a solid product.

I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and come from an engineering background. Currently im working at LA NACION, the largest media organization of Argentina. Im part of the creative division, we focus on delivering data analysis through easy to use web apps and take part in developing larger apps for important events in the country.



Vue JS

Nuxt JS


NextJs 13



My top projects


Encuestas electorales 2023




This app is a modular, reusable tool that dynamically pulls data from a Google Sheets-based survey list, presenting metrics in an engaging manner. It effectively highlights the shifting political landscape in Argentina, making complex data easily comprehensible.

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Hemiciclo Elecciones Legislativas 2023




This analytical app for "La Nación," navigates the complexities of Argentina's 2023 primary elections, offering a clear, unbiased projection of the next Congress's composition.

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Calculadora electoral





This project presents a couple of possible scenarios curated by LA NACION’s politics team so the user can speculate the outcome of the presidential elections.

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work experience

Apr 2021 - Apr 2022

JR front end developer@snappy commerce

I was responsible for both designing and developing new components and views for the company's web applications. I achieved this by working with the existing endpoints, queries, and services to ensure a smooth integration. Additionally, I was tasked with updating and fixing existing components to align with the company's evolving design standards. To accomplish these tasks, I utilized a range of front-end technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and Vue2, as well as CSS with preprocessors and frameworks such as SCSS, Bulma, and Vuetify.

From: Jan 2022

web development@freelance

As a freelance web developer, I've sharpened my skills across a wide range of technologies including NextJs, Nuxt, React, and Vue3. My projects range from small and stylish companion pages to full-fledge company websites. Each one kicks off with a close chat with clients to really get what they need, followed by crafting tailor-made solutions to hit those needs spot on. This journey often includes designing and bringing to life responsive layouts, weaving in third-party APIs, and tuning up website performance. Beyond the techy stuff, I bring solid project management and communication skills to the table, which are key for smooth sailing with clients and team members alike. With this process I'm capable of delivering top-notch work on time and on budget, always with an eye on syncing up with the client's goals and objectives.

From: jul 2022

SSR front end developer@LA NACION

My primary role involves the development of interactive projects utilizing Vue2, Vue3, Nuxt, or Svelte, depending on the scope and requirements of each one, some of which reach thousands of users. I also devise and implement tools that streamline the news article creation process, thereby improving workflow efficiency and enhancing overall quality. I frequently create and deploy fast-paced projects related to current events outside of my weekly task list. Additionally, I have experience troubleshooting and debugging legacy JS code, and have successfully updated several older projects to meet modern production standards. I've also engaged in some Back End projects using NodeJs and AWS Services. I also take part in developing large-scale apps for special events like presidential elections, these are made coordinating multiple teams and i love that i get to work and learn from other specialists.